AGVCRtoMPEG2 – is an old and outdated program that can convert your AGVCR recordings to avi or mp3.
README can be found at
Dependencies from apt repos:
- Scons
- Subversion
- Build-essentials
- libgsm
- libsamplerate
- libz
sudo apt-get install scons subversion build-essential libgsm1-dev libsamplerate-dev libz-dev
Download the code form the svn repository
svn co
We have to use the exact version of ffmpeg that he used in development since he has used superseeded functions from the ffmpeg libiary
svn co svn:// ffmpeg -r 5652
Configure and Make ffmpeg (don’t install unless you want to)
cd ffmpeg
Next we have to edit the scons file in cd ~/AGVCRToMPEG2 , it is meant to take the command argument of where you complied the version of ffmpeg but it seems to use old and outdated scons code so we hard code the location in.
Using your favourite editor e.g vim SConstruct
On line 23:
ffmpeg_path = env[‘ffmpeg_path’]
#ffmpeg_path= /home/jack/D/project/ffmpeg
change to
#ffmpeg_path = env[‘ffmpeg_path’]
ffmpeg_path= ‘/home/carma/ffmpeg’
replace carma with your username
We can now attempt to compile the code with the the command scons. but your most likely to get errors due to poor C++ coding most are just related to messing #includes
The following files will need to be edited:
To make things easier attached is the output of svn diff AGVCRTOMPEG2_904update.patch Note gunzip because of wordpress security doesn’t allow patch files.
gunzip AGVCRTOMPEG2_904update.patch.gz
now patch
patch -p0 < AGVCRTOMPEG2_904update.patch
Compile attempt 2
Readme contains many examples and hopefully you now have a working system.