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LCA updates.

Lots of mini-news so time for dot points

  • I Checked my site visit statistics and noticed that I’m now on the planet, I don’t normally put my blog up for planets but it was part of the registration and was easy. so hello my extra blog readers from
  •, I have tickets to for the conf. Tiger airways are now on my list of banned airlines, In 1 year they’ve gone from alright to horrible. Basically they canceled our flights from Melbourne to Hobart. and put us on other ones but then we can’t get the Jetstar flights we have to connect us to the Newcastle to Melbourne Part. So more money had to be spent Tiger gave a less than expected refund.
    • Related on the 18th January we fly into Melbourne from Newcastle at 7:40 am our next flight to Hobart doesn’t leave until 17:55 so we have 8 hours in Melbourne to kill, please leave suggestions in comments if you have some ideas of what to do.
  • Kym and Not so good she is trialling her talk out at work the week before, but the robot isn’t ready yet… it was meant to be ready for her last year but the processor still isn’t inside the bear yet. As for the talk well the OO.o sliders aren’t finished yet either.
  • Still looking for a new OS for my Acer Aspire looked at but it’s still not near production stage yet.

Anyway welcome to the new Planet readers 😀

open day and conference end.

Ok  it’s Saturday morning so the conf is officially ended. But we still have the open day the Linux Australia AGM, and a couple other things to do while we are here.

The conference was great, it’s really all about meeting people and networking than anything technical, the talks presentations are all bonuses. But it’s really nice to sit down ask people what they are working on, how long they have been around, how they found linux nearly always has a good story to it.

I’ll have to back blog post to share some of my thoughts about the technical conference.

looking forward to going home and sleeping in my own bed.

but also to get started on so many ideas which i’ve rendering in my head while being here.

linux conf day 4

Ok I’m really behide in writting anything which looks like a blog entry. But the conference is just that busy and good i really haven’t had time.

So far the only real annoyances is the keynote venue is just a hall with chairs. so if your in the back you really can’t see that well.

Anyway i’ll write more when there is a session I don’t want to go to ……

Embedded Mini-conf

First day at and i’m at the Embedded miniconf not really because  i’m overly interested  or knowledgeable. But kym manly comes for the conference for the embedded miniconf so i join her.

So far the first talk was from a artist compared to an engineer, so it wasn’t techincal but there where plenty of “cool” things to show aswell as how to obtain huge amounts of money for research apparently selling a robot as “art” works wonderfully

the other talks have been interesting, one was way too technical for me. I was about making mirco-kernels i had no idea what was going on.

Kyms still got show and tell to go and it looks like it would be a good session. And day all round.

Tiger airways

We flew into Melbourne taking the new Tiger air ways.

Frankly for $25 dollars a ticket we expected a lot worse. The flight was on time  it wasn’t crowded.

The only disappointment was when  we got into Melbourne airport it has a cow shed for a terminal, basically they converted  part of the car park, put a tin roof on it, fenced it off and put a  baggage carousel around it.

All in all likely to flight with  tiger again .