
This is a 2 person blog:

I’m Gabriel Noronha.
I help run the local lug, I have a interest in computers, maths and hockey. Professional Resume http://au.linkedin.com/in/gabrielnoronha

You can contact me through comments or at gabrielREMOVEME@noronha.id.au


And I am Kymberly Cox (now Noronha), I was a final year Computer Engineering Student (2008) at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. I’m currently working for BAE Systems in Newcastle.  And I Completed  my Final Year Project on a very cute robotic bear that is running debian Information about Hykim

Good links
Newcaslte Linux Users Group Planet

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Gabz,
    Are you still after a hockey font as I have one.
    Let me know on the forum and I’ll try and send it to you.


  2. 3.

    Would you like to send jmp-lang-zhCN-7.0.1-4.noarch.rpm to me by Email? I have trying the JMP7,but not my native language,then cant trial.

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  3. I found the site while looking for a way to run JMP on a ubuntu machine as I am about to swap back from windose – I am a Ba Psych student @ Newcastle Uni but on the Ourimbah Campus on the central coast, thanks and keep up the great work!

  4. Dear Gabriel and Kymberly! I wish you a happy New Year. Could you please help me to write a simple OO visual basic code to export the current loaded odt document in Unicode utf8 – txt format but with .tex extension(and without any formating) and in the same folder as the original?

    Thank you in advance!


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