Setting up a new computer for Sneddon & Partners , We decided we wanted a RAID system since data these days is now always more expensive than the computers and we’ve just had a string of failures on our older systems.
The Motherboard is a giga-byte GA-P35-DS3P which contains a Intel
ICH9R RAID controller, i didn’t really know about software RAID when i
brought it and thought intel good they support linux and Phoronix
gave it 9/10 in a review it all must work
Ok i’ve discovered it’s a software raid… and what that means.
So now i had 2 choices:
1. I could try and use the Software RAID Intel chip, this would involve using dmraid which hard really hard install instructions , through after reading the instructions and some advice from IRC i came to the conclusion i only needed to this this if i was dual booting with windows.
2. I could use Linux software RAID mdadm to create a software raid just turn my hard drives into 2 standard sata drives and go on my merry way.
obviously I choose 2, and since the Ubuntu Community Wiki didn’t have instructions so set about writing them
Waiting for some people to find the site for a bit of feedback but we’ll see how it goes.